UFO: Afterlight wiki

UFO:Afterlight has many events. For example, win the tutorial mission and the people will discuss the need of a military force. Not long after, communication officer will report that communication with Earth is lost. And when human meet the first alien faction, they will send a diplomatic message requesting alliance.

Events in Afterlight are both trigger and time based. Some events happens no matter what you do, like losing communication, and some events happen with a trigger, like meeting aliens. Difficulty does not affect the time between events.

Below is a list of events. Times are rounded to nearest 15 minutes interval. Because of game engine's imprecise timing, the actual trigger time may be off by a few minutes.

Prologue Events[]

Event Trigger
Al icon eventGame Start After game start. (53-04-21 06:00)
Al icon eventRobots Attack Aqueduct ~2.4 days after game start. (53-04-23 16:45)
Al icon eventAfter First Aqueduct Mission Accomplish ⚔ First Aqueduct.
Al icon eventBack to Excavation Site ~4 days after game start. (53-04-25 07:30)
Al icon eventGate Opened After ⚔ First Hyperspace Gate, or on 53-05-04 at 00:30.
Al icon eventGate Confirmed ~6.8 days after Al icon eventGate Opened, and research Icon tech planetologyHyperspace Gates.

Human Events[]

Event Trigger
Al icon eventLost Contact with Earth ~2 days after game start. (53-04-23 04:45)
Al icon eventContact with Servants ~3 days after building Al icon building satelliteSatellite, before Laputa back in control
(must finish building before 53-05-14 16:30).
Al icon eventContact with Laputa Built Al icon building satelliteSatellite and ~24.3 days after game start. (53-05-17 14:30)
Al icon eventEarth Technology ~1 day after sharing data with Servants or contact Laputians
Al icon eventFirst Spaceship Launched ~6.8 days after Al icon eventContact with Laputa
Al icon eventFirst Spaceship Arrival ~12.2 days after Al icon eventFirst Spaceship Launched
Al icon eventSecond Spaceship Launched Research Icon tech planetologyMoon Data Analysis and ~40.5 days after game start.
Al icon eventSecond Spaceship Arrival ~20.3 days after Al icon eventSecond Spaceship Launched
Al icon eventHarald Retires Victory in ⚔ Primary Key Gate, and Herald is alive.

Aliens Events[]

Event Trigger
Al icon eventContact with Reticulan Neighbor with Al faction reticulansReticulans.
Al icon eventReticulan Treason Allied with Al faction reticulansReticulans and research Icon tech reticulanReticulan Technologies.
Al icon eventExpedition Arrives in Peace ~48.7 days after game start (53-06-13 22:45), sites not owned by human.
Al icon eventExpedition Arrives in War ~48.7 days after game start (53-06-13 22:45), any site owned by human.
Al icon eventExpedition Peace Proposal When no territories are invaded by Expedition.
Al icon eventReticulan Archive Raided the Main Base of Al faction reticulansReticulans or Al faction expeditionExpedition.
Al icon eventMartians Arrive in Peace ~60.8 days after game start (53-06-26 02:30), sites not owned by human.
Al icon eventMartians Arrive in War ~60.8 days after game start (53-06-26 02:30), any site owned by human.
Al icon eventMartians Peace Proposal After research Icon tech martianSpoken Martian Language.
Al icon eventHome Base Under Attack ~73 days after game start (53-07-10 07:00).

Terraform Events[]

Event Trigger
Al icon eventTerraform with Reticulan Technology Research Icon tech reticulanHumidity Condensation.
Al icon eventTerraform with Beastmen Technology Research Icon tech interrogationBeastman Shaman Interrogation.
Al icon eventTerraform with Martian Technology Research Icon tech martianEM Principles.
Water Condensation Possiblity open up said research topic if reqs are met , Terraform 40%
Advanced Mine Possibility open up said research topic if reqs are met, Terraform 48%
Al icon eventMartians Protest Al icon eventMartians Peace Proposal , Terraform 63%
Al icon eventTerraform with Compromise Research Icon tech planetologyTerraforming Acceptable by Martians.

Mars Events[]

Event Trigger
Al icon eventFossil Fuel Research Icon tech planetologyFossil Fuel Origin
Al icon eventMartian Archive Research Icon tech martianElements of Martian Language
Al icon eventMartian Drones Research Icon tech martianMartian Drones
Al icon eventMoon Visit Request 36 hours after researched Icon tech planetologyMartian Astronomical Model
Al icon eventReturn From Moon Victory in ⚔ Second Moon.
Al icon eventMoon Data Research Icon tech planetologyMoon Data Analysis
Al icon eventOriginal Inhabitants of Mars Research Icon tech planetologyOriginal Inhabitants of Mars

Hidden Triggers[]

These events have no dialogs or indications, but have real consequence, typically enabling research.

Event Trigger
Al icon eventDefended Territory Return from a ⚔ Territory Defence mission.
Al icon eventAcquired First Corpse Bring any alien corpse to base.
Al icon eventCaptured First Alien Victory in any ⚔ Enemy Capture mission.
Al icon eventEncountered Natural Force After a mission with Natural Force.
Water Condensation Possiblity open up said research topic if reqs are met , Terraform 40%
Advanced Mine Possibility open up said research topic if reqs are met, Terraform 48%
Rescue Martians after alliance, on Beastmen territory, Captured alien missions
Al icon eventHuman Robot Controlled Robot got controlled by Martian.


There's a type of mission call Counter Martian Appearance and Counter Expedition Landing. They appear when these factions appear in timed events, at areas slotted to be theirs but Human currently controlled. These missions are the same as territory defense missions. Aka in Counter Martian in Cherson you fight as if Martian force invade your land and not the martian base type.

If you let counter missions run out, that specific faction will own that land, and later on you have to fight on that faction's base map. To get the tagged event of raiding a specific faction's base HQ, you need to fight this base map and not the counter maps.

After alliance with Martian is on, on Beastmen territory, aside from Zephyria and Elysium mountain, will appear a type of mission called Rescue captured alien. The mission note clearly say what need to be done: team of 6 or less. Enemy type is Beastmen, with one Martian stay around the Beastmen. Meet it and it joins immediately. Win that mission and one Martian join roster. Win three and the missions are done, no longer appear. The order to join is: soldier, scientist, soldier/scientist.
