In UFO:Afterlight you need strategic resources to perform various strategic activities including construction, research, production, or simply to maintain life in the Base.
Strategic resources are counted by levels.
The more resources unit you control, the higher level you have in that resource, and character activities will not reduce resource level.
Maximum level of resources can be had by mining is 7 no matter how many unit you can mine. Warehouse put no limit to level of resource level from going up to 7
The problem is, once you trade a level of resource away, say Fuel, the only way to get to 7 is Fuel Store aside from going to war to disrupt the trade.
The only way to lost resources is by exchanging resources through diplomacy or actually losing resource supply.
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Name | Tiny | Small | Limited | Adequate | Large | Impressive | Abundant |
Resource Units | 1 | 2-3 | 4-7 | 8-11 | 12-15 | 16-19 | 20+ |
When the game begins, there are five resources:
Metal: Mined.
Fuel: Mined and quite abundant.
Chemical: Mined.
Energy: Produced by power stations in the home base.
Water: Supplied by the water pipe and as long as enemies are not controlling the pipe, you would do fine
After researching Reticulan Technologies, two new resources will show up.
Then their mines can be researched, and they are required for advanced productions.
Crystal: Mined.
Noble Metal: Mined.
After terraformation progress at 48%, AL:Advanced Mining (Tech) is enabled. Research this to allow building advanced mine facilities on top of existing mines that doubles production.